Lady Justice Statue at St. Louis University School of Law

Lady Justice Statue at St. Louis University School of Law
Lady Justice Fighting


Yes, I am an idealist...

A political party/politicians that are:
  • Accountable honest, and responsible. 
  • Who honor and take care of active military and military veterans--they are our heroes.
  • Who believe that people are their first priority--and prove it up by showing it when it counts the well as with the little things. 
  • Who can manage money, spending, and distinguish between needs and wants. Children are a NEED, that means education, insurance, social services--DON'T GET CUT!
  • Who will help during a natural disaster and take care of people and help them rebuild. 
  • Who will admit when wrong and say what they are going to do to make it right. 
  • Who take a stand on social issues and equality for all human beings. 
  • Who are transparent in their plans & motives. 
  • Who respect, honor and protect our right to religious freedom, freedom of speech, to bear arms, to protect oneself and family. 
  • Who will not tolerate or allow actions that are discriminatory based on a persons religion, race, or sexual orientation to continue to be legal. 
  • Who are open to learning and listening to all sides & facts before making a decision. 
  • Who are connected to what is is like to struggle to make ends met and how decisions made in legislature will affect people. 
  • Who understand that with time, education, experience-you as well as a nation evolve and that is okay.
  • Who are not extremists or fundamentalists on any side.
  • Who truly understand that when elected that they a REPRESENTING CONSTITUENTS--people they may or may not like or even agree with.
  • Who believe in the goodness of people.

Sometimes I get worked up...this is one of those times.

Here are some more lies that are painted in the illusion of "love" "truth" "help" "righteousness" "God's Will" and freeing one from "temptation"...since when is loving someone and wanting to be in a committed relationship a temptation? How confusing for someone who loves God, attends church-sees themselves as a Christian but told that they cannot love God and be true to themselves. That they are "suffering" from a choice, an addiction. SUFFERING?!? Being GAY does NOT equate to SUFFERING!

Suffering comes from living a lie and being taught/brainwashed that there is only ONE RIGHT WAY TO LIVE, that if you are Gay or Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, or even questioning your sexuality--then you are less of a person in comparison to those who were born/designed to be attracted to the opposite sex.
SUFFERING is being threatened, harassed, persecuted, beaten, killed, fired from your job, denied to see your partner, disowned by family & friends & the only church you have known your entire life. SUFFERING is being told/preached that because of your sexual orientation/romantic attraction --that you lack faith, knowledge, and cannot be a "true"believe of Jesus Christ...and that the only way to LIVE IS TO NOT EVER LOVE SOMEONE like everyone else or as they term it "engage" or experience love in a safe committed loving relationship because that would be a "SIN".

I don't think Sin or Abomination is understood.
To be true to oneself and be what God has made them to be--a Sin?
To love one another--a Sin if you love those who are Gay.
but wait what about Sodom & Gomorrah? The men wanted to "know them" -have sex--this was not Homosexuality--this was about a statement of POWER and CONTROL--want a label, try RAPE.
What about man should not lay with a man--waste his seed--
Well, it is talking about sperm, and for a population/culture that was trying to reproduce it was against their tradition-religion to waste ANY sperm, as they needed to grow the population. Not only would these men be put to death, the scriptures also speak about Onan (Genesis 38:8-10) where Onan is Killed by God for Ejaculating outside his sister-in-law (his spilled his seed on the ground). He was supposed to get her pregnant and he wasted his sperm so he was killed. It seems to all be about SPERM and Growing a population....because the greater a population, a stronger a "nation" can become--more power, more money, more control. This is also why some religions are against birth control and believe sex is ONLY for procreation.
The bible is complex and has been translated and if a reader has no understanding of Greek, Hebrew, the Cultures & History of the people discussed /recoded in the Bible, and takes it word for word --literally....well...then that reader is much like those of the WBC (Westboro Baptist Church).

Ever ask yourself why some churches say that they "love the gay people...BUT that they MUST repent and live according to that churches doctrine in order to not go to HELL" or that "we as a church don't cast stones at anyone, as we are all sinners and gays are welcome as long as they are not "practicing homosexuality"? How is it possible that churches teach love and that FAMILIES come FIRST, and to LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY--AS GOD DOES; BUT then if someone is Gay/Queer then it is okay to throw them out, disown them, allow them -even as a child to fend for themselves on the street...why? Oh because that is What Jesus Would Do?! No, I think not. Not the Jesus I know and have read and studied. Not the loving, understanding Jesus & God I have a relationship with. So, again why would a Church endorse this? Theory--because what they preach/teach as truth are lies and if they were to say love, support your children and those in the GLBT community it would unravel the thread of the "doctrine" and expose it. If all you teach is that there is a PLAN--and it is about being born, getting married, having kids--and everything you do is NOT for this life--but for the LIFE AFTER this one...well, then you CANNOT say homosexuality is okay because that would acknowledge that a PERFECT GOD CREATED people -all of us the way we are--EVEN GAY--and well, that would throw out the whole theory that ONLY a MAN and a WOMAN --actually ONE man And as MANY WOMEN AS HE WANTS can got to heaven become gods and create life. ONLY a MAN and a WOMAN can be parents. Only a MAN and a WOMAN can be married because -your not supposed to have sex until marriage and sex is for procreation.
So, if you believe that is true...then it is okay to discriminate, oppress, disown, beat, kill, or whatever to those who are GAY and even those who support them. (Evangelicals and Uganda)

So if a church who preaches like the Evangelicals, Mormons, Catholics, and others like them do then if they said homosexuality was ok, they would basically be denouncing their religion and uncover that church/doctrine/so called-"truths" are actually twisted, truths used in a way that would support them and give them power to discriminate against anyone they wanted (women, race, gays).

I have a suspicion that this so called "help" is not help or does not steam from love or with what is best for that individual. It steams from the number of members, money, control, oppression, and perversion of the what the bible actually says....maybe that is why these kinds of "treatment" often times lead to depression, isolation, and suicide.

watch the video on the website.
or really ANY EX-GAY movement/Conversion/Repairative therapy 


I believe in God. What is dumbfounding is how some religions preach intolerance and hate and do so in the name of "God" and out of "love". Makes no sense to me. What is so complex about love one another and do good, help don't hurt? oh, oh that is right "they" are not "hurting"...they are just "loving" people -even to death. Makes total sense.

Just google search sex sex/gender attraction help... you will see. Or read GOP jazz, Uganda, Prop 8 supporters, Focus on the Family, Defend Families, American Association of Christian Counselors, NARTH, and so many more.

avandia lawsuit