Lady Justice Statue at St. Louis University School of Law

Lady Justice Statue at St. Louis University School of Law
Lady Justice Fighting


Response to those who say that those who the bully--or the extreme religious right is NOT responsible for gay teen suicides

My response to those who say gay teens suicide is not the fault of the bullies or the extreme religious organizations who promote hate of the LGBTQ community.

First statement “No one can MAKE anyone commit suicide”. Right you are, because if in fact they DID, then it would be called Murder. And no one is accusing anyone of murder, though some might suggest it. No one is pulling the trigger, pushing them off the bridge, forcing pills down their throats or kicking the chair from under them so they can hang—that is all them. I mean it’s not the bully’s fault about what they believe or are taught. The bully is just doing what they feel is right, what a “warrior of Jesus would do” trying to keep others from sin and harm…or cleansing the world of ungodliness. And there is no way churches create bullies, I mean the Westbro Baptist church that holds their signs, chants—even protests at military funerals or the church wanting to have “burn a Koran day” or the Evangelicals who helped Uganda create a bill that would allow homosexuals to be put to death as well as those who know and don’t report that someone is homosexual. I mean of course they have nothing to do with it-that would be a s-t-r-e-t-c-h for sure.

After reading what you wrote I realized you were right, I mean, someone needs to advocate for the bully. It is not their fault someone kills themselves right? I mean that is ludicrous! It’s not the bully’s fault that signs are held up high that say “god hates the gays” “gays should be put to death-and their blood is upon them” or “gays [their agenda] is attacking and ruining families”. Nor is it the bully’s fault for just doing what they feel and believe is right-Someone has to right? 

So take the rights of others to the ballot box and voting to keep them in their place-less then human, unworthy, and rejected. I mean there is no way that it is a bully or bullies’ fault or the extreme religious right for the emotional abuse and torture, physical violence or vandalism that contributes to making those who are bullied feel so small—insignificant, and their whole world become the bullies around them—the hate, the persecution that is shot at them daily. I mean obviously these bullies are doing society a favor right? And of course suicide occurs to more than just gay teens… I mean what about the targeted little boy or girl who is different, who is poor, or has a learning disability, or those who have their Facebook or MySpace account hacked and have things posted about them that are horrid and untrue—obliviously it is the child’s fault for not being able to withstand that—to know that it will eventually get better to realize that there is people out their to help them. And when the bullies are adults as well as children –when they are the child’s teacher or teachers – I mean that is all justified, they are just trying to help the child conform to what is “acceptable” in that community-a life lesson really-so who cares if it is either do or die right? It is a good and valuable life lesson, they should just conform! That would solve it! The bullies are just trying to HELP them. 

What if the bullies are family –or the church that that child has grown up in? I mean it’s not the families fault for subscribing to the beliefs or saying things about how disgusting, gross, or what a grievous sin homosexuality is and how “those” people are going to hell. Jesus wont love them anymore right—no wait-He loves them but not what they are doing and IF they JUST have FAITH and believe hard enough Jesus will change them right!!??! Yeah- of course! That is all it takes! I mean so what if that kind of treatment and mentality leaves people so emotionally scared and depressed that they kill themselves because they feel so isolated and that they will never be good enough because they “can’t get rid of those feelings”. I mean, really, it would be better they kill themselves right?? Because it would be better then being a disappointment, disgrace, or being disowned by their family, friends, and the only church they have ever known. But how would I know—it’s not like I’ve ever experiences that-or felt that way right? 

And everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs! Of course! That is what America is built upon. And I agree with you, I hate blanket statements …and I also hate stereotypes. You know stereotypes like “all Christians are racists and/or intolerant and bigoted” That is totally not true. I mean I know lots of Christians who exemplify what Christ taught, loving, serving. Learning, teaching and not judging-they are really amazing people. I try to do the same, what I have learned from the teaching of Christ, love, help others along the way, be honest and do the best I can and He will take care of what I cannot do. But wait, that’s right..I can’t be a Christian right? Oh I forgot, I am gay, and gay people can’t believe in God or Christ teachings because IF they did-they wouldn’t be gay right. Man, I always forget that one-sorry about that. I wouldn’t want my gayness to taint the purity of Christianity-because I am unclean and unworthy right? Even though I don’t believe that or feel that way that is sure what some folks who shout over pulpits want me to feel & believe. And if someone feels like the only solution to feel better is to kill themselves obviously is just misunderstanding the message being screamed, threatened, and beat into them. Stupid kids, no one WANTS them to die, they just want them to NOT BE DIFFERENT and be saved from themselves right? They are trying to help remember? I mean it would be gross and wrong if the bullies and extreme religious right showed love and compassion right? That is not what they believe! If they no longer chanted, protested, contributed millions of dollars to discrimination, held up hateful, graphic and crude signs, voted to not allow them to be seen as everyone else-that would be like telling Jesus you are embarrassed to be Christian and don’t want to help and save people who are going to hell. So bullies and extreme religions can’t not to that, IT would be WRONG.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not talking about ACCEPTANCE because that would go against the VERY core of their beliefs and teaching to accept people for who they are-- that is just crazy talk. And it is even crazier to have love and compassion for anyone who is different –I mean if people are hurting or being abused it is their fault and it is God’s way of showing them that they are doing something wrong and proof to use to justify the extreme and the bullies. I mean gay teens don’t kill themselves because they feel alone, hated and are tired of the emotional, physical abuse—it is because they are Gay! I mean really-that is not a hard conclusion to come to –it is because being gay means you are sad and living a life that is awful and depressing and you cannot have joy or happiness or light living that way right? So, see you are right..and should be applauded for standing up for the extreme religious right and the bullies—again, someone needs to. 

Maybe you cannot relate to those who are targeted by bullies and hate…but I can. 

I have had those things said to me, I have been threatened, and I have been told that it would be better if I COMMITEED SUICIDE then to be GAY—from someone I love and respect-from someone who I thought loved me unconditionally-as they should. But luckily I am strong and I didn’t really want to die-I wanted to live and love. I could not believe that my Savior would rather me kill myself then be happy. I tried shutting off emotionally and not feel attracted—to settle -I tried the ex-gay therapies—and I thank God that He helped me through that and realize that was not right or true, that He was and is by me even if my family or the church I grew up with isn’t. Made no sense, and He blessed me to have the strength to see lies and fear and hate for what it is. He gave me the courage and strength to LIVE. I trust Him, and even though the church that I once gave everything to, has the rebuttal that I am just REALLY confused and being deceived. BUT I know that is fear talking as they are realizing they are loosing control. It is a lie that being homosexual will make you life a living hell. Or that “allowing” those attractions will just make one miserable and take them away from God. But lucky me, that I never actually fulfilled any attempt of suicide even though I felt alone. I mean really, I am glad I could reach out for support and process through lies and fear to find unbiased truth. TRUTH is that I am happy, and I feel joy and that my relationship with my Savior is growing, is personal and stronger than ever. I can live honestly.
I don’t feel the need to push what I feel or believe down anyone’s throat. I may disagree with what they believe but it is their prerogative to believe it—even if I feel that their beliefs cause harm. The extreme religious right--these extremists using these suicides to justify and push their propaganda-their beliefs, their hate, which in turn perpetuates the hostility, abuse, and hate--conditions of suicide to continue to rise. There needs to be a call to accountability because actions DO have consequences.  Life is valuable and precious and something needs to be done to prevent young people from killing themselves and that means addressing the factors that contribute to suicide. It is like fighting a fire—in order to extinguish it-you have to address the factors that cause fire and extinguish them—heat, fuel and/or oxygen. 

So if pushed or attacked—if by an individual, group, or the extreme religious right- I will push back. If someone has the audacity to try to “save or help” me from being gay and shove their beliefs and propaganda down my throat or down the throat of the gay community-I will fight back. 

I will fight for those who are too scared or cannot fight for themselves—who have no voice.

I will respond when “they” feel that because of what “they” believe “they” should be able to dictate what I do, who I love, if I can have children, if I can marry the love of my life and if she can be protected and covered under the protections of marriage, if I can visit her in the hospital, or if deciding custody of our children is given to her if something happens to me or even where I can work. I will fight for that. 

I am not asking you -or anyone to change your beliefs or opinions. I have NO expectation of ANYONE in my family to ever accept me for being gay or to fight for me or to cheer alongside me and Carrie-Anne when we are finally able to legally be married. That would be crazy of me to expect or even to ask. I mean of course my family “loves” me…but I know they “love” the church they go to more-and that is okay-it is what it is. But I don’t preach to them. I don’t call them out on their beliefs or how the church they attend supports discrimination and how that hurts me. I don’t expect my family to change.  I know they do not agree with what they call my “lifestyle”. I know that. So I don’t post it on their fb pages. I don’t comment on something they hold dear even if I think it is FULL of fear and crazy logic. 

Using the justification that you are not against those who are gay because you have gay family member(s) or friends doesn’t mean you like, love or even understand what they think or feel or what they have been through or what they go through. But-how can you if you don’t ask? 

How would you have known the pain and sorrow I feel for those kids and their families who have taken their own lives? How would you know what it feels like to be spat on, threatened, called obscene names, or told by family that it would be better if you were dead then to be gay? How could you have known—when you don’t ask or feel the need to know before preaching and jumping to defensive position before realizing it is about the kids. It is about them. Not about you. You have a voice—they no longer do. 

Who will fight for them? Who will be their voice? Who will help put an end to bulling and the detrimental consequences of it for everyone? Not only for gay teens—but for all who are bullied? Who will take a stand against discrimination—even if there are disagreements-and say this needs to stop? I mean truly—if one truly believes that by being gay-you will go to hell or your eternity will be living in a hell like state—then have the faith to let God handle it and live as Jesus taught-not judging, loving, helping, serving. Doing the best you can with what you have and He will take care of the rest. Sure you can share your beliefs, but once if told “no thank you” let it go-which requires faith that God truly is in control and will handle it. Interesting how the far extreme religious right twist words in such a way that the see themselves as the ones being persecuted and victimized; when really it is the children and the LGBTQ community who are truly being discriminated against, bullied and victimized.  


A venting ...

I am blown away by those who are representing us - as leaders in our country who say they are for "us", for helping small businesses, job creation, tax incentives for small businesses, for helping swing this economic situation from pain & unemployment to one of prosperous promises of opportunity, for those who say they LOVE AMERICA an...d are proud of those who sacrifice to serve...YET, they vote NAY on things that would help everyday workers, small business, and military personal and families. They do NOT support veterans, they DO NOT support hard working constituents trying to make ends meet. THEY SUPPORT whatever POLITICAL PARTY they subscribe to, they make deals to SUPPORT their own Agenda and Career! WHAT THE HELL???!!! WHY SHOULD I STAND STILL, CONTENT WITH HALF-ASS leadership & work, VOICELESS?? WHY SHOULD I SUPPORT THIS ABSURDITY OF VOTING BASED ON POLITICAL PARTY rather than WHAT IS RIGHT???!!!! These are the reps who vote to CLOSE plants, to take away insurance that you bought & paid for by working--but who will show up for the PHOTO OP taking credit for jobs, for benefits-when they are actually doing everything to STOP THEM. TAKE A STAND!!!! I WILL BE USING MY VOICE TO VOTE, to tell my REPRESENTATIVES LOCAL & FED that I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS BULL SHIT ANY LONGER! Do you know how those that represent you VOTE? Do you know what they say -or fight for on the floor of the congress or the senate? Check it out. Made me nauseous.... they may know how to spin words...but a vote is clear...YEA or NAY!!!


Yes, I am an idealist...

A political party/politicians that are:
  • Accountable honest, and responsible. 
  • Who honor and take care of active military and military veterans--they are our heroes.
  • Who believe that people are their first priority--and prove it up by showing it when it counts the well as with the little things. 
  • Who can manage money, spending, and distinguish between needs and wants. Children are a NEED, that means education, insurance, social services--DON'T GET CUT!
  • Who will help during a natural disaster and take care of people and help them rebuild. 
  • Who will admit when wrong and say what they are going to do to make it right. 
  • Who take a stand on social issues and equality for all human beings. 
  • Who are transparent in their plans & motives. 
  • Who respect, honor and protect our right to religious freedom, freedom of speech, to bear arms, to protect oneself and family. 
  • Who will not tolerate or allow actions that are discriminatory based on a persons religion, race, or sexual orientation to continue to be legal. 
  • Who are open to learning and listening to all sides & facts before making a decision. 
  • Who are connected to what is is like to struggle to make ends met and how decisions made in legislature will affect people. 
  • Who understand that with time, education, experience-you as well as a nation evolve and that is okay.
  • Who are not extremists or fundamentalists on any side.
  • Who truly understand that when elected that they a REPRESENTING CONSTITUENTS--people they may or may not like or even agree with.
  • Who believe in the goodness of people.

Sometimes I get worked up...this is one of those times.

Here are some more lies that are painted in the illusion of "love" "truth" "help" "righteousness" "God's Will" and freeing one from "temptation"...since when is loving someone and wanting to be in a committed relationship a temptation? How confusing for someone who loves God, attends church-sees themselves as a Christian but told that they cannot love God and be true to themselves. That they are "suffering" from a choice, an addiction. SUFFERING?!? Being GAY does NOT equate to SUFFERING!

Suffering comes from living a lie and being taught/brainwashed that there is only ONE RIGHT WAY TO LIVE, that if you are Gay or Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, or even questioning your sexuality--then you are less of a person in comparison to those who were born/designed to be attracted to the opposite sex.
SUFFERING is being threatened, harassed, persecuted, beaten, killed, fired from your job, denied to see your partner, disowned by family & friends & the only church you have known your entire life. SUFFERING is being told/preached that because of your sexual orientation/romantic attraction --that you lack faith, knowledge, and cannot be a "true"believe of Jesus Christ...and that the only way to LIVE IS TO NOT EVER LOVE SOMEONE like everyone else or as they term it "engage" or experience love in a safe committed loving relationship because that would be a "SIN".

I don't think Sin or Abomination is understood.
To be true to oneself and be what God has made them to be--a Sin?
To love one another--a Sin if you love those who are Gay.
but wait what about Sodom & Gomorrah? The men wanted to "know them" -have sex--this was not Homosexuality--this was about a statement of POWER and CONTROL--want a label, try RAPE.
What about man should not lay with a man--waste his seed--
Well, it is talking about sperm, and for a population/culture that was trying to reproduce it was against their tradition-religion to waste ANY sperm, as they needed to grow the population. Not only would these men be put to death, the scriptures also speak about Onan (Genesis 38:8-10) where Onan is Killed by God for Ejaculating outside his sister-in-law (his spilled his seed on the ground). He was supposed to get her pregnant and he wasted his sperm so he was killed. It seems to all be about SPERM and Growing a population....because the greater a population, a stronger a "nation" can become--more power, more money, more control. This is also why some religions are against birth control and believe sex is ONLY for procreation.
The bible is complex and has been translated and if a reader has no understanding of Greek, Hebrew, the Cultures & History of the people discussed /recoded in the Bible, and takes it word for word --literally....well...then that reader is much like those of the WBC (Westboro Baptist Church).

Ever ask yourself why some churches say that they "love the gay people...BUT that they MUST repent and live according to that churches doctrine in order to not go to HELL" or that "we as a church don't cast stones at anyone, as we are all sinners and gays are welcome as long as they are not "practicing homosexuality"? How is it possible that churches teach love and that FAMILIES come FIRST, and to LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY--AS GOD DOES; BUT then if someone is Gay/Queer then it is okay to throw them out, disown them, allow them -even as a child to fend for themselves on the street...why? Oh because that is What Jesus Would Do?! No, I think not. Not the Jesus I know and have read and studied. Not the loving, understanding Jesus & God I have a relationship with. So, again why would a Church endorse this? Theory--because what they preach/teach as truth are lies and if they were to say love, support your children and those in the GLBT community it would unravel the thread of the "doctrine" and expose it. If all you teach is that there is a PLAN--and it is about being born, getting married, having kids--and everything you do is NOT for this life--but for the LIFE AFTER this one...well, then you CANNOT say homosexuality is okay because that would acknowledge that a PERFECT GOD CREATED people -all of us the way we are--EVEN GAY--and well, that would throw out the whole theory that ONLY a MAN and a WOMAN --actually ONE man And as MANY WOMEN AS HE WANTS can got to heaven become gods and create life. ONLY a MAN and a WOMAN can be parents. Only a MAN and a WOMAN can be married because -your not supposed to have sex until marriage and sex is for procreation.
So, if you believe that is true...then it is okay to discriminate, oppress, disown, beat, kill, or whatever to those who are GAY and even those who support them. (Evangelicals and Uganda)

So if a church who preaches like the Evangelicals, Mormons, Catholics, and others like them do then if they said homosexuality was ok, they would basically be denouncing their religion and uncover that church/doctrine/so called-"truths" are actually twisted, truths used in a way that would support them and give them power to discriminate against anyone they wanted (women, race, gays).

I have a suspicion that this so called "help" is not help or does not steam from love or with what is best for that individual. It steams from the number of members, money, control, oppression, and perversion of the what the bible actually says....maybe that is why these kinds of "treatment" often times lead to depression, isolation, and suicide.

watch the video on the website.
or really ANY EX-GAY movement/Conversion/Repairative therapy 


I believe in God. What is dumbfounding is how some religions preach intolerance and hate and do so in the name of "God" and out of "love". Makes no sense to me. What is so complex about love one another and do good, help don't hurt? oh, oh that is right "they" are not "hurting"...they are just "loving" people -even to death. Makes total sense.

Just google search sex sex/gender attraction help... you will see. Or read GOP jazz, Uganda, Prop 8 supporters, Focus on the Family, Defend Families, American Association of Christian Counselors, NARTH, and so many more.


Impact of Prop 8 ruling

Today is a day Worth Celebrating!!!

A ruling in the right direction!!!

Today, U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker ruled that Proposition 8 that voters voted for back in 2008, is unconstitutional. I am so excited about this ruling and feel like celebrating! Here is a link to the actual court document and ruling:

There will be more to come, I am sure, appeals all the way to the US supreme court. It is exciting that a battle in the war for equality has been won, a ruling on the side of fairness, non-discrimination-it is so good and right.To know that the right to marry the person you love, regardless of gender is awesome. I just can't get over how excited I am! I keep posting things to my facebook. It is just an exciting ruling, an exciting time...freedom, dignity, the fight for what is right & good & for equality, what America is built on and will become stronger for upholding. John Adams says it well "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence"


A heart felt letter and where I stand

Dear Family,
I write this letter generalized to all of my family, I know that each of you may feel differently and have responded to me and to my partner Carrie-Anne differently. But instead of writing six letters to my parents, my siblings and their spouses, I have opted to write one letter. This letter is not written for my nieces and nephews. Some things may apply to you and others may not. I ask that you read with an open heart and mind. The things I write are very personal and I view as very close to my heart, and any time someone writes about their feelings of love, I believe it to be sacred.
I have thought about writing a letter to everyone for a long time now. I have struggled, debated, contemplated, prayed, reasoned, and analyzed over what to say, how to say it, and why I am saying it. I am finally to the point where I need to express my feelings, thoughts, perception, and what is and is not okay with me.
I love each of you so very much. I love the moments we have shared and all we have in common and yes I even love our differences –even if it is just because it is entertaining. I feel I have been patient, understanding, respectful and loving to all of my family; especially since everyone found out, that Yes I am a Gay Woman. I know and understand that you are struggling, hurting, even grieving for what you feel is a loss. I am sure in your heart you mean well. I am sure you love me, even if you are not sure how to express or show it. I know this is hard for you because of what you have been taught and what you believe to be true. I will not engage in a debate of who is wrong or right, what is true and what are lies. I know we will not agree.
However, us all not agreeing on religious ideology or theology or doctrine does not change the fact that I am a gay woman. Being gay is not a phase; it does not make someone a pedophile or a pervert “all of a sudden”. One does not choose to be gay, they may choose to stop lying about it and hiding who they are and how they feel, but they do not wake up and say “I think I will be gay now”. I choose to stop lying about who I was and who I love. It is not about sex, it is not about ruining families or bringing down America-It is about love, just as you and your family is about love and living what you believe to be right & true. I was taught how bad, perverted, and evil homosexuals are, it was what I have heard, and even at times agreed to. Any wonder why I was so angry and hated myself when I was younger? Any wonder why I turned to perception drugs to try to cope? So many fasts and prayers I did, so many bishops I counseled with since after high school, so many attempts to be “normal” and accepted by my family and the church of my youth. So many relationships closeted. You may think this is all “new”-that I just became gay, but it is not, it is just the first time I had the God given strength and courage to stand and choose not to lie or hide who I was or who I have a relationship with. I have know I was gay since early childhood, I had secret crushes on girls, I knew I was different and fought myself. I knew how to “fit in” and I did so the best I could. I was 25 years old, the first time I told mom and dad, and a few others, right before Thanksgiving. I told them then that I love women and I wanted to be with one woman-that I was a gay woman. Their responses terrified me and broke me. I felt so hurt, lost and alone. I was so scared my family would cut me out of their lives that I would not be allowed around my nieces and nephews. I went back into hiding and swore I wouldn’t ever be “honest” again. I had bishops counsel me to “just live spiritually and die emotionally and in a way physically too”. I tried, even dated Joe and was engaged for a very short time even though I knew I did not love him, that it was not a good relationship-but I tried so hard to convince myself that I could make it work. That I could make myself pretend to love him long enough that eventually I would forget what love felt like. I wanted so badly for my family to accept me to be proud of me. I did everything the church and bishops asked of me, but I was dying inside. And I have reached a point in my life that I did not wish to die. I do not want to lie or hide. I am not ashamed of who I am or how I feel. I know that I do not have a disease, I am not sick. I do not need to be fixed, cured, or “made better”. For example, when telling someone that I work with GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender) youth and their families to help them stay together, deal with issues, so that they can have healthy supportive relationships and then to be asked “what you don’t help them get better?” is to insinuate that I and anyone who is GLBT is sick, needs to be fixed and I could not disagree more.
Being gay it is not all of me or what makes me who I am; however, it IS a part of who I am, it is a slice from the whole “Cathi Jarvis pie” . I am a good person. I am genuinely happy and the for the first time in my short life I feel so good and whole, I feel free. I have had no desire of release with prescription drugs, with hurting my self, insomnia, or depression. It is awesome! My health is better that it has been in so long! It is evident I have put on some happy weight, but that is coming back down. Can you not see it-how happy I am? It is possible you cannot. I want to express to you strongly that I am still me. I am Cathi Jarvis. I have values and morals. I am good contributing member of society. I help hundreds of people. I love people, I am passionate and will fight for freedom and what I believe is right. I cherish good friends. I am proud of who I am and what I do. I love my family, and I would help anyone who needs it. I try to be respectful and good to everyone and not judge them as I am not God. I do believe in God, always have. I believe God is good, and loves-unconditionally. I believe He gave me the strength to finally be free from lies and hiding, He helped me come out and blessed me with love. I truly believe that being Christian is to love everyone for who they are, regardless of what they do, what they’ve done, or who they love. That we are to be gentle and kind to everyone and help people along their journeys in life and doing the best we can with what we have. Christ taught love and acceptance. And I am also a gay woman. I believe in monogamous committed relationships and that they should be about love. Do you? Love does not know color, race, religion or gender, it just is. And I am deeply in love with my life-partner Carrie-Anne. There are so many slice to this pie that make me who I am. I know and believe that everyone does not need to know or see all of me (and thank goodness!) I have different relationships with my professional colleagues, acquaintances, clients; however, my family knowing, seeing, accepting me-which is the equivalent to loving all of me, is something I have felt and still feel strongly, that that is what makes a family –it is what separates family from friends, from co-workers, from acquaintances. I feel now that my family would rather be more of an acquaintance but still hold the title of family. I want and need a “family” to be a FAMILY.
I want to be able to hang out, feel comfortable, and just be myself. I want to share my family with my partner in life-Carrie-Anne. Here are some questions I want you to ask yourselves and maybe shed some light onto where I am coming from. Do you want the person who means the most to you in your life, who you have committed to, who you now recognize as part of your family—do you want to share them with your family? Do you long and desire to have them be welcomed and loved by the family you love so much? Do you want them to be able to hang out with family—your parents, siblings, in-laws, nieces and nephews— to laugh, play games, hear & tell stories with all of your family? Do you want your family to get to know the one person in your life who means everything to you, who you feel God has blessed you with? Do you want them to know and see why they are so amazing? I know I do.
Do you think that I am any different, or that Carrie-Anne is any different? Do you think that we are not a family and that our relationship is null and void of any love? Void of any desire to be with and get to know each others’ family? We are a family and we value & love our families. I love Carrie-Anne’s family, and I have been welcomed by them. They all do not agree that we are gay or that we are together, BUT they still welcome Carrie-Anne and I as we are, as a couple. I feel loved there. We go to family gatherings, dinners, blessings, and holidays. They visit us and do things with us. And their children are present during the whole time, I know it is hard to believe, but it is true.
I feel hurt and I do not understand where my family is coming from when they don’t want Carrie-Anne to come to dinner or to be around the kids. When we are invited to go to the rodeo with the family, but she cannot come to the adult dinner. When some family members would “like to meet Carrie-Anne but not at family functions and not with children around, as they want to meet her but not see her and I together –as a couple” how does that make any sense. And may I ask, what your response would be to your partner-your spouse if they heard this from your family? What would you say and do when you look in his/her eyes and saw them hurting and crying confused at why they do not like you? What would you say? The most wonderful person you know, that has enriched your life, and whom you find yourself more in love with every day-even with all the struggles—what do you say when they are crying, feeling so intensely disliked? Sometimes when I answer the phone, I am in the car which has Bluetooth built in, which means it is a major speakerphone. She hears what you say. She has tender feelings and so do I, we feel hurt and confused.
I am still trying to understand. I don’t want to have to choose between my family and Carrie-Anne, she doesn’t want me to have to choose; but I feel that my family is covertly giving me an ultimatum. I feel I am on egg shells with my family, that I have to be careful what I say, when I can mention Carrie-Anne and when I cannot, when we are invited or when it is only me who is invited. I have tried to understand, I have been respectful of wishes made by my family to come alone, to not say anything about Carrie-Anne. I have tried to play with schedules, or if Carrie-Anne is with me I have to make sure that only certain members of my family are present, because if some members are I cannot come over with Carrie-Anne.
What is your opinion and view of me? Is it really as low as to not trust me around children?! To not trust me to have proper interactions with Carrie-Anne around my family who has different beliefs and views and is struggling to know how to deal with it all? To think that I would say or do anything in front of children or any of you for that matter, that would taint or hurt them? To believe so is to vilify me. Do you do things as a couple in front of your children or other children that is disrespectful or gross? No you don’t, why then would I or Carrie-Anne? Do you not believe children are smart and extremely perceptive and adaptable and or can see things-no matter what you do or do not say? What are you sheltering them from? What do you feel or think you would have to explain to them? What are you scared of your children seeing when they see Carrie-Anne and I together? That two people have fun, care for one another, and love each other. Your children are smart enough to pick up on the fact that Carrie-Anne is special to me and that she makes me happy. That's all that really counts and I don't see that as information that "harms" them in any way. And eventually, as they get older, they will figure out that their aunt Cathi is gay and has a partner-even if no one says anything. How they react to that reality is in many ways up to you and what and how you decided to teach your children.
I do not want any of you out of my life. I love you all so much; which is why this has been so painful. I will always do my best to be respectful and loving and not purposefully be offensive or hurtful. I would love and appreciate the same respect and love from you. If you are unable to do so now, that is fine; I am hopeful you will be someday. I am optimistic about it. So, do not invite me to come to something alone-please. It is hurtful and hard to do, and I cannot do it any longer. It is the invitation to come alone-to come and have it be the way that looks “normal”, I feel like I am ask to pretend that I am still in denial about myself, still going to the same church, that I can be uncomfortable as long as no one else is, at least that is how it feels. If you do feel that you do something or hang out that would be great. If you feel that you can invite us great. Now obviously, just as like everyone else, there will be times, where if we are invited to something, there are schedule conflicts and neither of us can attend or that only I can come and that is fine-that is life. And if we are both invited, and I Carrie-Anne cannot come but I can, I will. If I am invited to attend something with the understanding I can only come if I come alone, know that I will politely and respectfully decline. Maybe to give it some perspective, imagine what it would be like if I had been talking about having a fun dinner party and I was really excited about it and invited all the family-everyone, but then I tell you that you can bring anyone/everyone but your spouse, as they make me uncomfortable. Would you still want to come? Part of you yes, as you want to have fun and be with family –of course-we all do! But the other part of you wouldn’t, you would feel hurt and uncomfortable, feeling torn between two families. And you may do this, and go along with it because you love your family…but for how long? How long would you do it, how much stress and hurt would you allow to be put on your spouse and your relationship with your spouse before you said something? I know this takes time…and I am not sure how to go about it. I just know something has got to give. Maybe doing small simple things, like steps, maybe come swim, go to the zoo, ride the greenbelt, or go to the park with Carrie-Anne and I. If you want to get to know Carrie-Anne first before you want to do things with all of your family; that is okay, let’s figure it out.
I love you all so much, and I hope that you have been able to place your self where I am and try to see and feel what it is like from here. I love you and I will never stop loving you. I look forward to all the moments and memories we will make together-as a family if you will allow it. I am always here, and always will be.

love me


Fun Video

From Movies

Just added some music to some pictures!

Places and People

I have been organizing my files and in the process I have selected some photos of the places I have been to on my Journey of life...they are beautiful and have reminded me of the beauty and life in nature. It is a grounding force that I love to be in, anytime I am feeling stressed and discombobulated...I seek to be in nature, focus on the small miracles and wonders thriving just outside by door. I came across this awesome quote by John Muir, a naturalist who was a great advocate of preserving our national forests and lands.

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.

I also noticed the people in those photos --the power of people. Each person, each relationship has impacted my life and help me be who I am. I have added pictures of people that have joined me in my journey and have impacted my life; I celebrate all I have learned, where I have been, where I am now, and where I have yet to go.

Oh The Places I Have Been...and The Amazing People Who Have Been There Along The Way


Oakland CA...

So the last few days there has been reports and opinions like crazy on the verdict for BART officer Johannes Mehserle in the killing of 22 year-old Oscar Grant. So, I have watched the videos and read the reports...and it is just unbelievable and doesn't make sense. When I think about what was going on, for all involved my mind keeps going to the movie "CRASH" --there is so much that could have been going on, and I don't know. I do believe that the excuse used of "I thought it was my taser" instead of his service handgun is ridiculous. Maybe it is because I do have a deep respect and love of guns and a some experience in handling them--so when an officer who is trained in handling his weapon(s) says he thought it was something else I am shocked. Just the weight and feel of a fully loaded hand gun and the size of the grip is different.

My heart breaks for the family and friends of the victim Oscar Grant. What he was feeling on that platform -who knows..but in watching those videos I know I would have been terrified and in panic if a knee was on my chest or throat and I felt I couldn't breathe-I would have had a hard time being still. My heart also hurts for the family and friends of officer Johannes Meherle. I have no idea what he was doing or thinking...I hope to God he didn't intended to kill an unarmed subdued suspect; however, watching that video...he has a loaded gun in his hand-there is weight to that and then to stand, and aim-weighting the gun and pull the trigger not in a split second and not in a life-threatening is just hard to see how he couldn't see or feel or realize that it wasn't his just makes me sick.

I wonder about his co-workers...and really all Police Officers and how they are thinking & feeling.

I think that most police officers are great men and women, who love what they do and feel a privilege it taking on the duty to serve and protect who are well trained and try to serve to their best ability all the time knowing full well they are risking their life every time they suit up, pull someone over, or answer a call. I don't think that every incident that occurs and is portrayed as the cops fault is accurate. But in this incident, I do. Yes, it probably was a mistake; however mistakes have consequences and the officer will be serving time under the verdict of involuntary manslaughter. I don't agree with that verdict. I see it more as voluntary manslaughter as the officer did intend to cause serious bodily harm but not kill as he was going to use his taser gun. Involuntary manslaughter is defined as the defendant not having any malice aforethought and NO, NONE , ZERO, ZIP intention to cause or do HARM. When you stand, aim, and pull a trigger (either of a taser gun or a handgun) you are INTENDING to cause harm. Police use harm (i.e. taser gun) to subdue suspects who resist arrest, try to evade police, or assault police... the taser gun in my opinion was introduced and is used as to avoid using their guns or batons. They intend to cause harm to gain control quickly of the suspect and/or the situation. So, that is why I think the verdict should have been Voluntary Manslaughter  not Involuntary Manslaughter.

Ok, one more vent on the subject...the other day I wrote this on my Facebook page as my status
"watching news & political i get so worked up over the murder of a young man in disturbing"

Then a "friend" posts this about my status:
"Personally I think there are far greater injustices than that. The more criminals who resist arrest, and reach or act like they are reaching for weapons, the more of them who are going to end up dead. Criminal behavior problem, not cop problem, IMHO"

1-I didn't ask what anyone thought.
2-I didn't say the greatest injustice of all is ONE of the MANY.
3-In this case...HE wasn't reaching for a weapon!
4-Criminal problem? WTF? Ok, so a cop makes a mistake--but it is a criminal problem?
5-What ever happened to INOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY? We don't know if Oscar Grant was GUILTY of anything because he never had a chance to go through the process that is given as a right of everyone in this country.
6-Is saying IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) like saying Bless Your Heart? Is that the card you play when you say something ignorant and offensive but don't want to get called on it?
6-If you want to to respond to something on MY page, not directed at anyone and give your opinion, you can be sure as hell that I will respond directly to You.

so here is my response:
I can respect your opinion on the subject and in general I agree that when people resist arrest there are consequences; however there is a difference in resisting arrest and reaching for a weapon. If a suspect is non-compliant with police and then postures or reaches for a weapon, police have a right and a responsibility to respond even with lethal... See More force if necessary and I totally agree with that. However, in this isolated incident, as it was caught on video, it is clear to me that lethal force was totally uncalled for and that is the Cop's problem, not the Suspect's. I am not on a "cops are bad" rant, that is not what this is. In fact I feel police officers often times are excessively scrutinized on gratuitous assumptions. Police officers are truly heroes who work hard and face the possibility of death every day, it is not a job to be taken lightly and they do not get enough credit for what they do. I do not believe this isolated incident reflects police officers everywhere, and unfortunately this mistake cost a life of an unarmed young man. The officer's response to his action was he thought it was his tazer gun...he had to be pretty green, as there is a distinguishable difference between a fully loaded handgun and a tazer gun, from the weight to the feel. In my opinion it is an injustice; as there was a mistake made, and in all rights it would constitute murder, at least it looks that way from the video. When a suspect is being taken into custody, and resisting arrest but not to the extent of running or pulling a weapon, it does not constitute lethal force to be taken. You have to be presented with a potentially lethal threat to respond with lethal least it is that way in this country.

the video of the incident: the last clip is the most clear, IMHO (can you sense my sarcasm here?)

Here is a link for the Rachel Maddow show coverage of the story:

Repeal DADT

Make your Voice Heard Now & let your reps know!

Testimony about repealing DADT

This is a YouTube Channel --Great Videos and info there:

Fox News Military Analyst in Support of ENDING/Repealing DADT--I know FOX News in Support-Wow!

Wouldn't call these love letters

This is Senator Mike Crapo, representing Idaho constituents, I am on of the constituents he represents. I wrote him a letter urging him to vote in favor of ENDA, to add protection for current discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation for jobs, housing, and more. Note that currently, protections are granted based on sex, race and religion. Idaho is still an "at will" state, which means an employer can fire an employee without having to state why or prove employees negligence/incompetence. Because people Like Mike Simpson & Senator Crapo are employers and can exercise their discrimination & bias at any time without any fear of retribution or consequence as they are not breaking any laws. In addition there no protection or resources for an employee that is fired because of discrimination.That means if you live in Idaho and your employer thinks you are gay or finds out your gay and even though your work performance is top notch, your employer feels that it is a sin/wrong and therefore fires you.

I think it is pretty simple, everyone should be protected and not feel at risk to lose their job based upon anything BUT what is connected directly to their job (i.e. their job performance, work ethic). But it seems that the representatives disagree and their reasoning is you will see. Here are the highlights of Sen. Crapo and Representative Simpson to me.

(This is a brief description of ENDA) S. 1584 was introduced by Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) on August 5, 2009. This bill would expand current prohibitions against workforce discrimination to include an individual's actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity. This legislation has been referred to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, where it awaits further action.

As you know, there is an effort being made to amend current civil rights legislation to expand coverage to include sexual orientation. (I am thinking -yes isn't this a good thing?) Furthermore, an effort is being made to garner support for hate crime legislation that would allow the federal government to become involved in cases that otherwise would be handled at the state level. (OK, so finally Idaho would have to recognize hate crimes for what they are-because they don't have to document them like that now) I have long opposed efforts to expand the federal government's powers to regulate matters currently and rightfully handled by the states. (so basically because their is a possibility that the fed. gov. could be involved with hate crimes...people should be able to be fired "At-will" even if their job performance is okay based on their gender identity or their sexual this reasoning is astounding.)

All Americans should be treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. As a basic principle, any person convicted of injuring another individual should be punished as provided by law. This should be applied equally and without regard to race, religion, or sexual orientation. This is a guiding principle established in our Constitution. (ok, but here is the thing--being fired based on sexual orientation or gender identity is not protected by law--even though it is causing harm to an individual - it is not seen by the law in Idaho that therefore it doesn't exist)

-OK here is the response from Congressmen Mike Simpson... "...H.R. 3017. This legislation would prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation. It provides an exception for religious organizations and the military.

While I believe that it is important for employers to judge employees on the basis of their performance, I am concerned this bill could set a dangerous precedent by defining discrimination distinctions. Our laws ought to protect everyone against discrimination for any reason rather than single out specific groups for protection-thereby risking overlooking other groups that also need protection against discrimination. Because of these concerns, I am unable to vote for ENDA." 

Are you still wondering why should Idaho not be an "at-will" state??

After all this I have warm fuzzies, how about you? And as Senator Crapo says "As a basic principle, any person convicted of injuring another individual should be punished as provided by law." But here is the thing about Idaho, it is an "at-will" state, which an employer can fire an employee "at-will" and does not have to have any justification in doing so. What if a person was encouraged to find another job and encouraged to move when their employer found out they were gay? What if they were afraid of the "heat & reaction" from a community if they employed someone who was openly gay? What if an employer wanted to be supportive but felt there was nothing available to support their employee? But since the above situations are not breaking any laws in Idaho, it is not considered an "injury to a person" ....although I would argue that the person or persons involved would feel injured if not assaulted.


Last night as I was drifting off to sleep, I had the thought that so many of the so called "truths" we are taught are really myths rooted in fear. From myths as innocent and simple as "old wives tells" to some theology of religion to hurtful, hateful myths as gays are perverted sexual deviants who cannot believe in God and have no benefit in society or in the united states military. These kind of myths breed fear, discrimination, hate and violence. In a Christian perspective it is anything but what Jesus Christ taught. Jesus Christ was the quintessential essence of love and acceptance--not tolerance or hate, or self-righteousness. He hung out with the "sinners", rejects, poor, "unclean"-now I am not saying being gay is a sin because it is not, and Jesus Christ never spoke about homosexuality in general or in it being a sin. He spoke of having integrity, being true & honest with self, God and others, loving ALL people, taking care of the earth we live on, helping those who need help; in short, doing the best we can with what we have, giving and helping others along our journey no matter where they come from, who they love, or their background-but simply because we are all one -we are all human beings.

It seems simple, the golden rule, loving and not judging, be open and accepting-those seem to me like the higher law if you will or what would be Jesus Christ-like living. It teaching and standing up even fighting for what is right and good. Equal rights and integrity are good, right, and worth fighting for. For me, it is a no-brainier and I am often flabbergasted when I hear and see anger and fighting over allowing EVERYONE to be equal and not allowed to be discriminated against. But instead society, people, families, individuals, religions protest to be better than others based on things like socioeconomic status, race, education, gender, religion, marital status, kin, geographical location, age, if someone has been divorced or the number of time married, if a couple has children or not or even on how many children someone has, and sexual orientation. Throughout history these are evident and today they are evident... and people have stood up, fought, allied with those being degraded and discriminated against and there has been progress...from voting for blacks in 1870, to voting rights for woman in 1920. I found an awesome time-line of human rights-in the enclosures. Homosexuality is only seen once, that is during the WWII block (1939-1945) homosexuals where included in the extermination order and where also committed to concentration camps, starved, tortured, experimented upon, and murdered. Human rights encompasses all humans...and we are still fighting for them.

I think it is all about FEAR. There is so much many MYTHS! Why??!?? Well, in my opinion, people in power who are SCARED of losing power or being proven WRONG create Myths based on fears and ignorance and preach them as truths in attempts to hold on to their power, become more powerful and have people follow in a blind, thoughtless trance.
MYTHS that I can think of:

-Women are less intelligent then men
-Traditional Religion does not oppress women
-Women cannot do the same things (hold jobs, work, contribute to society) the way men do.
-Homosexuals are dirty, anti-family, anti-religion, anti-law & order, unpatriotic, sexual deviants, pedophiles who want to destroy America and families
-There is only ONE right way to be spiritual
-Religion and Spirituality are the same
-Scientists hate God
-Natural Disaters are God's way of "cleasing" the earth from "bad sinning people"
-If someone can't speak English they are criminals, illegal, and unintelligent
-The Holy Bible should be the dictator of the Constitution of The United States of America
-Atheists are bad miserable people
-The world is flat
-The Holocaust never happened
-We can't pass laws to protect groups of people, because then we might be missing other groups and that would be discrimination. (this was the response I received from my reps in the US Senate & Congress...I will post their letters)
-If gays are allowed to serve OPENLY it will cause distraction, and everyone will have to fight of the gay from having sex with them, which will cause low morale and un-unified troops, and we will lose the war.
-If you watch the news, you will be brainwashed.
-If you question things then you dont have faith and therefore are less of an individual
-If you are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, or transgender, or questions, then you believe and agree with everything ANY GLBTQ persons says or does
-To stand up for what you believe is Patriotic unless it disagrees with the majority of Christians in America.

...Obviously I could go on & on...there are so many, it is comical in some ways to think that people beLIEve these myths. The reality that people believe and teach these and many more myths that contribute to discrimination, hate, violence is dispiriting.

Here is a vido-worth watching:

Here is the time-line of Human rights:

Here is the Women's Rights movement 1900's:

So, here is what I can do:
-Research "truths" to find out if they are "TRUTH" or myths
-Use my voice and keep e-mailing, writintg letters and calling my reps local and national
-Share the inofrmation I find
-Join with indiviudals, groups, and  communiites to advocate and take a public stand for Equal Human Rights for ALL human beings

avandia lawsuit