Lady Justice Statue at St. Louis University School of Law

Lady Justice Statue at St. Louis University School of Law
Lady Justice Fighting


A ruling in the right direction!!!

Today, U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker ruled that Proposition 8 that voters voted for back in 2008, is unconstitutional. I am so excited about this ruling and feel like celebrating! Here is a link to the actual court document and ruling:

There will be more to come, I am sure, appeals all the way to the US supreme court. It is exciting that a battle in the war for equality has been won, a ruling on the side of fairness, non-discrimination-it is so good and right.To know that the right to marry the person you love, regardless of gender is awesome. I just can't get over how excited I am! I keep posting things to my facebook. It is just an exciting ruling, an exciting time...freedom, dignity, the fight for what is right & good & for equality, what America is built on and will become stronger for upholding. John Adams says it well "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence"


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